Purple finches (Haemorhous purpureus) are small-sized sexually dimorphic birds. They are considered as one of the American Rosefinches and are related to house finch and Cassin’s Finch. Unlike their name, they don’t exhibit purple shade.
Quick Information |
Color | Male: Raspberry pink on head and breast, with some brown tinges on the back and white strokes on the belly
Female: Light brown on upper part of the body and white strokes on the belly, white eyebrows and brown streaks throughout the body |
Size | 5.9- 7 in (15-18 cm) |
Wingspan | 7-10.2 in (18-26 cm) |
Weight | 18-34 g (0.6-1.2 oz) |
Sub Species |
Distribution | West Coast of North America, Northern United States, and central and southern Canada |
Habitat | Found mostly in suburbs, groves, and woods. For breeding they prefer mixed woods, deciduous or coniferous forest, birds of pacific regions breed in streamside trees and oak woodland.
During winter and their migration period they fly to semi-open fields, suburbs, swamps, and forests. |
Diet | Seeds(of elm, and ash and so on), berries, small fruits, buds, insects |
Breeding season | April-August |
Clutch size | 3-6 eggs |
Incubation period | Around 13 days |
Fledging | Around 14 days |
Lifespan | 5-9 on average, but one individual is said to have been lived for 14 years. |
IUCN Conservation Status | Least Concern |
Temperament as pets | Interactive with a tendency of being aggressive |
Maintenance requirement | Moderate |
Sound and Call | Warbling tone during the winter season and early spring, emit “tick” sound during their flight, common sound includes “bdub”. |
Noise level | High but musical |
Talking ability | Excellent |
As Pets
An airy and roomy cage sizing 24X14X18 inches are ideal for these agile birds. They are not fond of toys, rather they prefer foraging materials like sprouts and wheatgrass from which they can make a nest. Install multiple perches of different sizes within the cage, but make sure there is still some space left inside the cage. Mirrors and swings are two of their favorite things they find entertaining and keep themselves busy with.
Moderate room temperatures will help the finches thrive well. They are sensitive to extremely cold weather so maintain the warmer temperature throughout.
Purple finches are known for their talking and singing abilities. They love to mingle with humans especially children. From welcoming to conversing with you, a purple finch can do anything to entertain you. As far as aggressiveness is concerned, they are easily agitated when they find anything inconvenient. Biting is their outburst of anger and only a proper training can teach them to control the tendency.
Their conical beaks are perfect for eating seeds, so thin seeds of fruits are their favorite food, instead of vegetables. In the wild, they eat insects like beetles and caterpillars that you might supply but a seed based diet will also do.
Clipping of nails is required, if you can do is good, or else seek help from professionals. Also, keeping the cage and the utensils clean is one of your regular duties.
Health problems
Mycoplasmal conjunctivitis, avian pox, mite infection, and scaly face are common diseases to affect a purple finch. Go to a vet in case you notice any unusual symptoms in your pet.
Like other finches, these birds are available in a range of $55-$150.
Interesting facts
- Purple finch is the state bird of New Hampshire.
- The word “purpureus” in its scientific name derives from the Latin language, meaning crimson.
Video Purple Finch Song
Interesting facts
- Pet yellow-naped amazons call distinctively during the sunrise to let their human companion know that they are awake. They also do the same at sunset when it’s their bedtime.
Yellow-naped Amazon Video