This tropical parrot (Amazona auropalliata) is a charming sweet bird with an angry giant hidden within. Mostly found on Costa Rica, El Salvator, Guatemala, yellow-naped amazons are one the best talkers and loved by bird lovers. The extrovert birds love being the center of attraction and make a fuss when ignored.
Quick Information |
Other Names | Yellow-naped parrot, golden yellow-naped amazon |
Color | Adults: Green body, yellow nape, gray beak and feet, orange eyes
Juveniles: Duller plumage without any yellow patches |
Size | 14-15 inches (36-38 cm) |
Wingspan | 8-8.5 inches(20-22 cm) |
Weight | 17-20 oz (482-567 g) |
Sub Species |
Distribution | Central America, Southern Mexico |
Habitat | Forests, tropical zones, and woodlands |
Diet | Fruits, nuts, seeds, leaf buds, and blossoms |
Breeding season | 2 years |
Breeding age | Early spring |
Clutch size | 3-4 eggs |
Incubation period | 26-28 days |
Fledging | 8-12 weeks |
Lifespan | 20-30 years in the wild; 60-90 in captivity |
IUCN Conservation Status | Endangered |
Temperament as pets | Moody and social at the same time |
Maintenance requirement | Moderate |
Sound and Call | Whistling, metallic squawking, emitting “karr row” |
Noise level | High |
Talking ability | Excellent |
- Blue
As Pets
A stainless steel cage with a diameter of 36X24X40 inches is ideal as amazons utilize the space for climbing and extending their wings. The higher the cage, better for the birds as they have a natural instinct to hang from a height, like from treetops. You can move the cage to keep the bird company, but whenever you station it, make sure the place has natural light and away from draft. Attach a wired grated bottom to the cage as these birds scatter their foods. The door of the cage should have a drawbridge-like opening or a sideway opening, but never that of a guillotine style. Hanging perches or playpens are appreciated by them.
A range of 65°F-86°F is comforting for yellow-naped amazons.
Behavior and personality
The playful birds have an inclination towards their human companions and love to spend time with them. They are intelligent enough to learn new words and tricks quickly. Yellow-naped amazons are good with melody as well and sing opera loudly at times. They do not shy away from meeting new people and entertain them with their tricks. They also throw tantrums and may bite when nippy, and it is through pure training that you can keep their aggressiveness in check. Males might be hostile in their body language and when they are ready for mating but women tend to be timid. They spend a considerable time with toys. Sleeping for around 11-12 hours is required for juveniles and subadults while adults are happy with a few hours less.
Pelleted diets or a seed based diets along with chicken, vegetables and fruits are perfect for them. If your pet has adapted to your rules or has adjusted with your household, you may place it on your table and servefood when you have your lunch/dinner.
The expressive parrot will let your know if it loves bathing by water spraying or inside the kitchen sink or a bowl. It co-operates you while you groom it. Cleaning the cage, tray, food, and water bowls are a daily chore you need to comply to.
Health problems
Sound sleep, a proper diet, and mental stimulation through intriguing games like puzzles are three basic things to ensure the well-being of your yellow-naped amazon. Still, bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, papillomas, allergy, psittacosis, toxicity, feather picking are common problems. Also, symptoms like unusual tail shaking, breathing problems, sagging body, excess saliva, swelling eyelids, and watery eyes call for an immediate attention from a professional vet.
Juveniles are expensive than adults and so the range goes from $400-$2000.
Interesting facts
- Pet yellow-naped amazons call distinctively during the sunrise to let their human companion know that they are awake. They also do the same at sunset when it’s their bedtime.
Yellow-naped Amazon Video