Green Parrots

Green is the most common color among parrots, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings. This excellent camouflage helps them avoid predators.

Green Parrots

List of Green Parrots

Parrots With Mostly Green Plumage

Many parrots naturally have extensively green plumage, with only a few differently colored feathers. These include:

Parrots With Partially Green Plumage

The following parrots also have green feathers but in combination with prominent plumage of different colors:

Besides these, there are green parrots that aren’t usually kept as pets, like the Kākāpō, which can only be found in a reserve in New Zealand.

How Do Green Parrots Get Their Color

The green plumage of parrots is a combination of pigments and structural colors. They produce their own color pigments called psittacofulvins, which can give off red, yellow, or orange colors. Also, the feather barbs of these birds have melanin particles, which scatter shortwave light, i.e., blue light. When the yellow color produced by the psittacofulvins mixes with the blue structural color, it makes the feathers of these parrots appear green.


1. Which green parrots can learn to talk?

While all parrots can learn to talk if trained from a young age, among green parrots, Amazons are widely believed to be the most capable of learning how to talk and mimic human speech.