The black-capped conure is a smaller and calmer bird than other members of conure family. Being a storehouse of energy, it always provides entertainment and fun to its owner.
Scientific Classification |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Aves |
Order | Psittaciformes |
Superfamily | Psittacoidea |
Family | Psittacidae |
Subfamily | Arinae |
Tribe | Arini |
Genus | Pyrrhura |
Scientific Name | Pyrrhura rupicola |
Quick Information |
Other names | Rock conure, Black-capped parakeet, Rock Parakeet |
Size | Around 9 inches( 24 cm) |
Weight | Around 70 gm |
Color | Green body, monochromic neck, red upper wing coverts, black iris, beak, and legs |
Distribution | South west Amazon basin, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru |
Subspecies |
Habitat | Humid forest and lowland |
Sound | Yapping |
Clutch | 4-7 eggs |
Incubation period | 23-24 days |
Fledging | 7-8 weeks |
Lifespan | 10-30 years |
Diet | Vegetables, sprouts, and fruits |
IUCN Conservation Status | Near Threatened |
As pets
This clever bird makes a fine pet because of its wonderful interactions with its owner and joyful activities.

Black Capped Conures
Keep your pet in a cage measuring 18X18X24 inches (minimum) and incorporate some perches (preferably natural) that will aid in keeping its toenail well groomed. Since it prefers privacy during sleep, put a parrot tent inside the cage. To encourage its chewing habit, add some chewable toys.
A black-capped conure stays comfortable within the range of 50-80° F.
This intelligent bird loves attention and communication with its owner. A few black-capped conure can talk if trained, but not all, so if you get lucky, you will be entertained by its babbling. Usually cool tempered, but can get noisy if neglected.
Give your pet vegetables, fresh fruits, seeds, bird pellets, dietary supplements like mineral block and cuttlebone. It has a tendency to mix its solid food with water, so be careful and cautious while feeding it.
Make sure your bird gets enough time for exercise that will strengthen its muscles. It loves to indulge in playful activities, so keep your bird on a play stand every day for around two hours. Changing the water and food bowls twice daily is a must. It is kind of obsessed with water and takes pleasure in bathing, (by immersing its whole body) so keep a close watch while making it bathe on a regular basis.
Health problems
PBFD or psittacine beak and feather disease, feather plucking, malnutrition are the common ailments that a black-capped conure can suffer from. Also, if you come across any behavioral problems of your pet like biting and screaming, get it adequate medical help.
A black-capped conure usually costs between $450-$500.
Interesting facts
- A black-capped conure is believed to sing sweetly in its sleep.
- It often hangs from the cage upside down for a long time.
Black-capped conure video