Vasa Parrot (Black Parrot)

The vasa parrot is a genus (Coracopsis) of medium-sized birds that are rarely seen in aviculture. It is divided into three species known as greater vasa parrot, lesser vasa parrot, and Seychelles black parrot. The first two species have multiple subspecies.

Vasa Parrot

Quick Information

Other names Black parrot
Color Black body with grayish wings
Size 14- 20 in (35-50 cm)
Weight 7-18 oz (200-500 g)
Species and Distribution
  • Greater vasa parrot (Coracopsis vasa)- Comoros and Madagascar
  • Lesser vasa parrot (Coracopsis nigra)- Seychelles Islands, Madagascar
  • Seychelles black parrot (Coracopsis barklyi)- Seychelles
Habitat Greater vasa lives in deciduous forests, lesser vasa prefers evergreen and mangrove swamps and Seychelles lives in scrublands and woodlands
Diet Fruits, flowers, and vegetables
Breeding season October-December
Clutch size 2-5 eggs
Incubation period 14-17 days
Fledging 45-50 days
Lifespan 30-50 years
IUCN Conservation Status Not listed
Temperament as pets Social
Maintenance requirement Moderate
Noise level Moderate except during the breeding phase. Normal call includes whining like sounds
Talking ability Good

As Pets


A big parrot cage is good for the bird so that it has enough space to move around all the time. For breeders, a 23 ft long walk-in aviary is the best option. An ideal cage includes some perches and toys for the betterment of the bird. The cage should be kept in a place where sunlight and air come in opulence.

A horizontal nest box with a size of 16x 16x 48 in should be placed inside the cage.


For vasa parrots, average room temperatures will be sufficient.


Agile and intelligent by nature, these birds look for activities all the time. It could be foraging toys, eating, moving constantly, or interacting with the owner, vasa parrots hardly sit idle. If you keep a pair, you can see that females are aggressive and dominating towards the males in general.

Lesser Vasa Parrot

Greater Vasa Parrot


Give your bird a pelleted diet with fresh vegetables like beans, celery, spray millet, carrots, and fruits like orange, apple, banana, and pear for ensuring a healthy intake. Since the bird loves to eat, be careful about the quantity you are providing. Overeating might lead to obesity and other health complications.


Mental enrichment is one of the important aspects for the bird as the jovial species needs mental and physical stimulations to stay healthy. Converse with it, change the chewable toys, food and water bowls frequently and maintain cleanliness.

Bathing is another aspect that the bird is interested in so bathe it on a regular basis.

Health problems

Psittacine beak and feather disease, avian flu, egg binding are common things that vasa parrots are affected by.


A single parrot can be sold in $1500-$1600.

Black Vasa Parrot

Black Parrot

Interesting facts

  • The incubation period of vasa parrot (18 days) is the shortest of all parrots.
  • The female parrot loses their head feathers during the breeding and often ends up being bald.
  • The mating system is unique as in at first, after the territorial battle, one pair gets to be the alpha pair, meaning those two birds will mate first. Also, unlike other parrots, female vasa parrots mate with multiple males.
  • The Seychelles black parrot is the national bird of the country Seychelles.

Video: Vasa Parrot Playing



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