Peach-Faced Lovebird (Rosy Faced Lovebird)

The peach-faced lovebird, a native of Africa, is found at an elevation of sixteen hundred meters above the sea level. They are known to be extremely protective of their mates, often seen feeding and taking care of each other, hence justifying the name.

Peach Faced Lovebird

Peach Faced Lovebird

Scientific Classification

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Psittaciformes
Superfamily Psittacoidea
Family Psittaculidae
Subfamily Agapornithinae
Genus Agapornis
Species Agapornis roseicollis
Peach Faced Lovebird Images

Peach Faced Lovebird Images

Quick Information

Other names Rosy-faced lovebird, Rosy collared lovebird, Rose-ringed lovebird, Rosy headed lovebird
Size 16-18 cm long, tail length 4.4-5.2cm
Wingspan Around 10.6 cm
Weight 40-60grams
Color Mostly green body with dark brown eyes, pink upper breast, eye zone and head, blue rump. Adults have gray colored bill and feet while juveniles have black spotted gray bill with a greenish crown.
Distribution Throughout South West Africa, from Angola river to Orange River, Nabim desert
Subspecies Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis

Agapornis roseicollis catumbella

Habitat Dry, semi desert areas, and woodlands
Sound High pitched chattering with a shrill voice
Clutch 4-6 eggs
Incubation period Around 23 days
First Molt 3-4 months
Fledging 43 days
Lifespan From 15 to 25 years
Diet Fruits, vegetables, and seeds
IUCN Conservation Status Least Concern
Peach Faced Lovebird Pictures

Peach Faced Lovebird Pictures

Color mutations

  • Turquoise
  • Dutch Blue
  • Violet
  • Yellow (Lutino)
  • Sea Green
  • Pied
  • Orange (Opaline)
  • White( Albino)

As pets

Jolly and lively, peach-faced lovebirds are cherished by bird lovers for their entertaining and interactive behavior.


It is better to provide them a spacious cage with horizontal bars, sizing 81X50X50cm with a 2cm bird perch. Since they are inquisitive, often tending to escape, there should be no wide space between the bars. Playing and chewing are their favorite activities so keep some toys inside. Place a nest box on the upper side of the cage during the breeding period.


The minimum suitable temperature for juvenile birds is 50°F, whereas adults can stay well in an average room temperature.

Rosy Face Lovebird

Rosy Face Lovebird

Temperament and Behavior

Hand reared peach faced lovebirds tend to grow fast attachment with their owners and love to cuddle frequently. But, they become aggressive with other species if housed together. So, it is better to give them proper attention or else it can become grumpy. They cannot talk, but sometimes imitate the sounds they hear.


As they are easily susceptible to malnutrition, ensure your pet has a properly balanced diet consisting of sunflower seeds, canary seeds, millet seeds, saffron seeds, hemp, oats along with boiled eggs, rice, carrots, apple and leafy vegetables. Do not provide them avocado, fried foods, and sugar as these are detrimental to them.

Peach Faced Lovebird Baby

Peach Faced Lovebird Baby


Provide them with separate food bowl and chlorine free water. They love to take baths on their own for maintaining their bright plumage, so keep a separate bird bath filled with lukewarm water where they can dip their heads and clap wings (their way of taking a bath). Cleansing and disinfecting the entire cage regularly, along with the toys, perches and bowls are necessary.

Health problems

Ailments like a yeast infection, liver infection, psittacosis (parrot fever) or feather diseases are common in them. Also, if there is any symptom of lethargy or upsetting behavior observed, an immediate check up by a proficient vet is advisable.


A peach-faced lovebird comes with a price tag between $80-$230 each. But it is never a good idea to let lovebirds stay on their own, so you must also provide for a mate.

Peach Faced Lovebirds

Peach Faced Lovebirds

Interesting facts

  • Although originally discovered in late 1700, it was initially considered to be a type of red-faced lovebird, another similar species. The peach-faced bird was not registered officially as a different species till 1817.
  • According to experts, it is a possibility to observe around 100,000 types of color mutation of this bird.
Rosy Faced Lovebird

Rosy Faced Lovebird

Video: Peach-faced lovebird sound



One thought on “Peach-Faced Lovebird (Rosy Faced Lovebird)

  1. Maddie Ahuero says:

    I love lovebirds I own one and his name is Phillipp

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