Blue-Throated Macaw

Blue-throated macaws are the rarest species of macaws in the wild. They are rather popular in the pet trade and are kept as pets widely because of the vivid coloring and friendly characteristics.

Scientific Classification

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Psittaciformes
Superfamily Psittacoidea
Family Psittacidae
Subfamily Arinae
Tribe Arini
Genus Ara
Scientific Name Ara glaucogularis


Quick Information

Also known as Wagler’s macaw, Caninde macaw
Size Length: 33 inches (85 cm)

Wingspan: 36 inches (91cm)

Weight 32-39 ounces (900-1,100 g)
Color Turquoise blue on the crown, throat, back and upper sides of the wings and tail, blue throat patch and cheeks, and bright yellow elsewhere. The bill is black and the irises yellow
Distribution Beni Department of Bolivia
Habitat Savannah, palm groves and sometimes in gallery forests
Sounds and calls Loud and screeching ‘rraaaaaar,’ they use soft caws to communicate with each other
Clutch size 1-3
Incubation period Around 26 days
Fledging 91-98 days
Breeding age 5 years
Breeding season Northern population: August to November

Southern population: November to March

Lifespan Usually 30-35 years; some captive individuals have lived for 50 years
Diet Palm fruits, seeds and nuts
IUCN conservation status Critically Endangered

Blue Throat Macaw

Blue Throated Macaws

As pets

These beautiful birds are highly sought after as pets. They are inquisitive, intelligent and cheerful. The finer nuances of how to deal with a pet blue-throated macaw are discussed below.


These large macaws need to be provided as large a cage as one can afford. Their 3 feet long wingspan necessitates a spacious enclosure with a lock or an escape proof latch. They need to have enough room to move about freely. Minimum dimensions are 5’X5’X8’, but the larger, the better. The cage should be built with strong wiring.   Provide perches, toys, chewable and regular, chewable branches for the bird’s enrichment. Let the bird out of its cage for at least 2 hours a day.


The ambient temperature around the blue-throated macaw should never be below 50°F (10°C).

Temperament & Behavior

They are a very social bird in the wild and hold on to this trait even when kept as a pet. They enjoy being in the company of people as well as other birds and rarely seen getting aggressive. They are also very self-sufficient and can keep themselves entertained for long hours. They are suitable as a family bird as they can gel well with all members of the family. They do, however, retain some macaw instincts and can be nippy on seldom occasions. Socialize your bird with many people from a young age so that it stays friendly.

Blue Throated Macaw Pictures

Baby Blue Throated Macaw


Blue-throated macaws should be given a pellet or seed mix on a daily basis. You can also feed them any nutritious food you eat. Occasionally giving them chicken can fulfill their need for protein. Do not give them chocolate and avocado as those can prove fatal for the bird.


They come from a humid habitat in the wild, so ensure that they are bathed every day either in a birdbath or through a mist spray, you can also take them with you when you take a shower. The water should be at room temperature.

Clip the nails and beak every two months.

Clean the food and water dishes in the cage with regularity.

Health problems

Blue-throated macaws are usually hardy birds, some of the ailments they might suffer from are:

  • Psittacosis
  • Proventricular Dilation Disease
  • Feather picking
  • Infections (bacterial, fungal and viral)
  • Kidney disease
  • Papillomas
  • Allergies
  • Heavy metal poisoning
  • Flight and tail feathers chewing
  • Lipomas

Regular visits to a vet, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle can keep most of the above illnesses at bay.

Blue Throated Macaw

Blue Throated Macaw Bird


They cost between $2,000 and $3,000.

Interesting fact

  • The captive population of blue-throated macaws is around 1,000-1,100 individuals while the wild population is believed to be around 350-400 and on an upswing thanks to a concerted conservation project.

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